As a pet parent, it is undeniably an exciting and joyful experience bringing home your new pup! So we do all that we can to provide them with the best care to keep them healthy. Nonetheless, worrisome health conditions can still arise in our little ones during puppyhood. Most of the time, they are passing issues that can be dealt with at home, but other times they require more intense treatment from a veterinarian. Therefore, it is good to be aware of some of the common health issues that your new pup may experience so you know what you are dealing with to seek out the best course of action for your furkid.

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“Should I deworm my pet if it stays indoors most of the time?” “Is it even necessary to deworm my pet on a regular basis?” These are common questions lurking in most pet owners’ mind. And it is no surprise since keeping our pet’s health in tip-top shape is part of what pet parenting is all about. But if you own a dog or a cat, yes, deworming is in fact an important preventive care regime that should be practised. Here’s why!

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Muzzles are easily one of the most misunderstood tools and are often associated with aggressive dogs. But this isn’t always the case. The use of a muzzle on a dog can show that its owner is being responsible and proactive. Therefore, it is highly recommended that dog owners keep a muzzle at hand. You never know but a muzzle can be a very handy tool in many situations!

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As pet owners, we all know that fleas and ticks are some of the most annoying pests to deal with let alone prevent from getting onto our pets. These pests are dangerous as they can transmit diseases, parasites, and other health issues. The only way to protect our pets from these creepy crawlies is through prevention. Here is a quick review of the types of preventatives available for dogs and cats.

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As a general rule, all pet dogs should have a collar. They allow for attachments such as leashes, licenses, and identification tags. However, collars have more than just identification and adornment purposes. Did you know they can be used as an aid in training as well? Here is a quick review of 5 common types of collars available at your local pet stores.

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Just like us, our furry companions get bored too! As dogs were originally bred to work alongside humans, without adequate stimulation in their daily lives, they will inevitably begin to display problematic behaviours. However, fret not, there are many ways to tackle them. First off, we must learn to identify the signs of boredom.

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