Small Animal Grooming Explained

Most people are oblivious to the fact that some of our littler pets require regular grooming. While a majority of small animals do groom themselves and need little to no help from us, some still require assistance with baths, nail and/or teeth clipping, coat brushing, ear cleaning, and fur trims.

What Should I Do?

First off, depending on the type of small animal you have, take into account that they each have different grooming requirements. Make sure you consult a professional on your pet’s grooming needs if you are not certain on how to go about it.

Baths: Take note that not all small pets require wet baths. Sand or dust baths and dry shampoos are available as alternatives in such cases.

Chinchillas take dust baths instead of water

Nail/Teeth Clipping: Regular nail trimming prevents nails from getting snagged and causing injuries through scratching. Teeth trimming may be necessary if they’re overgrown and causing your pet discomfort. Chew toys (like gnawing woods) are especially helpful with keeping teeth trimmed in pet rodents.

Coat Brushing: Routine brushing will ensure your pet’s coat is free from tangles and matts. It also helps to reduce shedding and hairballs.

Ear Cleaning: A gentle wipe down of the inner visible area of the ear with some ear cleanser will help prevent excess earwax and infections.

Bunny ears are susceptible to ear mites and wax buildup

Fur Trimming: This could lower coat maintenance and ensure better hygiene with longer-haired breeds.

How Often?

Keep a consistent grooming schedule adapted to your pet’s coat and lifestyle. Take note though, that you shouldn’t bathe your small animal more often than absolutely necessary, as it can strip the skin of its natural oils.

Don’t Forget Environmental Hygiene Too!

Grooming your pet on a regular basis is important, but keeping their environment clean is equally vital for overall hygiene. Since most small animals are self-grooming creatures, poor cage cleanliness could be why your pet smells unpleasant or looks unkempt. So make sure to check in on your pets frequently and stay aware of their grooming needs!